Skipton Community Bus
Skipton Community Bus Conditions of Use
QR code must be used and passenger log completed
Driver must be a member of SFNC (social membership is adequate $10) otherwise insurance is not valid and user is responsible for all damage costs.
Driver to have full Australian license…minimum 25 yrs and under 80 yrs
Driver and/or user group will be liable for any traffic infringements and any insurance excess from damages.
$1000 Bus and Coach
$1000 Each and every event in respect of bodily injury claims
The below amount is additional to the standard excess
Age or Inexperienced Driver Excess
$750 Drivers aged 21 years or more but under 25 years of age
$1000 Drivers aged 25 years or more but have not held an Australian License for 2 or more years
$1000 Drivers under 21
Book through email: skiptoncommunitybus@gmail.com
Confirmation of booking can take up to 24hrs
Maintenance fee to be paid prior to use to SFNC Inc BSB 063838 Acc 10006317
Bus to be clean and refilled with fuel when dropped back. Cleaning kit at Community Shop depot.
Maintenance Fees:
Junior sport transport $0.00/day for training and competition only. Any social outings incur full fee $80/day
Skipton Community Shop $40/day
All other user groups $80/day
Hours of use to be determined by SFNC and user
Bus will be parked behind Skipton Community Shop and a key will be available there also. Spare key is kept by the SFNC.
The bus is available for all community groups to use and must be used in a manner that represents the community respectfully.
SFNC reserve the right to use discretion on the use and users of the bus.