Round 1 kicked off at Gordon on Saturday, the football getting away to a later than normal start due to our lack of an Under 18 side. This is a situation that the club will be working to correct as soon as possible. While we are disappointed not to be fielding a side, we will be moving on and working positively to attract the right players and families to ensure the future of our club.

The Under 12s hit the ground with a new group of excited players with beaming smiles and nervous frowns the order of the day. With great contributions from experienced older players and enthusiastic new ones, they were victorious, defeating Gordon. Skipton 3.7 25 to Gordon 0.0-0
The Under 15s with new coach Kiernan Molloy at the helm played a good Gordon side keen to atone for last years Grand Final loss. While our lads were competitive at times, Gordon had their revenge, kicking 13.17-95 to our 2.4-16.
The Reserves side under new coach Ryan Simmonds had some call ups due to a number of our senior list being unavailable due to injuries, cricket and other commitments.
The Gordon side had a few missing from the seniors due to a wedding but these guys were able to play in the reserves. This imbalance of some of our players having less fitness than was perhaps ideal, opposed to a good side with a couple of good senior players in it, led to a one sided score line that I’m sure as the season progresses will not be a common occurrence. Gordon 17.12-114 to Skipton 4.4-28.
The Senior side started very busily, but inaccurate kicking kept Gordon in front despite Skipton having the majority of the play. As the game progressed Skipton were able to edge in front several times, controlling most of the play, but with an efficient and accurate Gordon side able to make the most of their chances and regain the lead each time. At the final siren Gordon lead by 10 points, and a shot for goal after the siren was successful, increasing the margin to 16. Gordon 15.11-101 to Skipton 12.13-85.

Some great wins for our junior teams early in the day with 13b Skipton 17 def Gordon 1, 13a Skipton 27 def Gordon 9, 15s Skipton 17 def Gordon 15, 17s a tough fought out draw Skipton 21 draw Gordon 21. The winning streak looked like it would continue with Cgrade Skipton 39 def Gordon 28, but unfortunately even though they played some great netball on the day Bgrade Skipton 27 def by Gordon 43 and Agrade Skipton 37 def by Gordon 55.
This week we host Dunnstown at home, let’s hope we have all players available and get the Emudome rocking! See you there.